Friday 12 February 2016

Awsome Growth Hacking Resources

Every web and mobile app business worries about user acquisition, distribution, retention. At many companies, traditional marketing roles are transforms into growth-hacking. In fact, work has become so popular now that some companies are hiring "growth hackers." They are keeping their marketing departments and hiring growth hackers to work separately from marketing.

Role of a growth hacker?

Different from marketer, who traditionally are less technical, growth hackers have one objective – to grow the company. This is done with a variety of tactics called "hacks" These hacks generally are not expensive

In this list I’ll give you thorough overview of growth hacking, hiring growth hackers, resources on growth hacks, and additional helpful resources.

Awsome Growth Hacking Resources

Thursday 21 May 2015


InvoiceWave is easy invoice.  To create send and track your invoices
it's for small businesses and freelancers to create and send invoices
in minutes with simple design. You can also save your time by creating
recurring invoice , which will be send on date you prefer.

Invocies are send directly to your customer email account with ability
to view and download it in PDF format for traditional post.
Get notifications about your customer,
Whenever they read invoice, Accepted it or Decline.

Sunday 1 March 2015

Python print function

There is some useful tricks in python (3.x) to print objects.

Alternatively , you can code 3.x print function calls in code to be run by 2.x, by enabling the function call variant with statement like the following coded at the top  of a script , or anyware in an interactive session:

from __future__ import print function

For example here is an exmaple to sepretare print object and to log data into file :

from __future__ import print_function

x = 'Beka'
y = 99
w = '[item]'

print(x,y,w,file=open('log3.txt','a')) ## log into file

Wednesday 11 June 2014

mongoengine objects to json

If you want to make json data from mongoengine objects.

example is given from flask framework

@app.route('/json', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def json_data():
    return Company.objects.all().to_json()

If you want to convert json data into mongodb object try this

c = Company.objects.from_json(company)

Wednesday 31 July 2013

mongodb $in

We know that "IN" operator is very useful in SQL , It allows to specify various values in where clause.

SELECT Firstname,Lastname FROM Users WHERE City IN ('Tbilisi','London');

This is very simple and clear in SQL , this would return all first name and last name from Users Table where the City column is either Tbilisi or London.

But how to run similar query in Mongodb ?  I hope you have already touch mongo :)
First Let me introduce structure of the my test mongodb collection "Users".
You can download and import test data from here 
One document entry will look like this.
    "_id" : ObjectId("51f80e4ba44433577cb1bdbc"),
    "Firstname" : "Leqso",
    "Lastname" : "Zazikashvili",
    "City" : "Tbilisi",
    "Languages" : [

Now lets write query to fetch all entries from mongodb where the City is Tbilisi or London

 { City: {$in:["Tbilisi","London"]} }

As we can see $in operator selects the entries where the field value equals any value in the specified array. We can also get this entries from subarray.This will fetch all entries where subarray of languages contains "Chinese" or "Spanish" 

  { Languages: {$in:["Chinese","Spanish"]} }